UCAK TEKSTIL, established by HUSEYIN UCAK in 1975, is located in Izmir, Turkey, and is the second-biggest cotton spinning plant in the country. Izmir has fertile lands where organic plants such as olives have been grown for many years. Mr. Ucak began dealing in cotton, then entered the cotton spinning business, later took up cotton growing to protect the local fertile land and to support local farmers’ health and longevity. The business currently operates an organic hotel in the area, too.
For the past ten years, UCAK TEKSTIL has conducted business only with exclusive contracted farmers. The company is planning to increase organic cotton production to 20,000 tons and will use only self-generated solar power.
UCAK TEKSTIL spins 5,000 tons of cotton out of 15,000 tons every year with the remaining sold as raw cotton. They use roller ginning and the orders are traceable directly back to the farmer, hence ‘Traceable Organic Cotton’.
The weather in Turkey is perfect for cotton farming and Turkish organic cotton is one of the most renowned traceable cotton. As all steps in the process from farming to spinning are consistently controlled and we know who is involved in each of these steps, we are very proud of the products and their safety. Another feature of UCAK TEKSTIL cotton is it has very few contaminations since it is done by machine.
*Genetically modified seeds are not allowed to be used according to the standards of organic farming in each country.
*The cultivation of genetically modified crops is strictly regulated in countries that are in accordance with the law and regulations of EU such as Turkey, the producer of TRUECOTTON.